Thursday, September 3, 2020

Lord of the fies Essay Example For Students

Ruler of the fies Essay 1. Given that Piggy speaks to society and its guidelines, he more likely than not discovered his circumstance on the island upsetting in any event. From the outset, there is no sorted out social structure of any sort; no situation of administration existed. There was a nonappearance of rules. This more likely than not been exceptionally upsetting to Piggy. At that point, as the story advances, such a chain of authority rises with Ralph being casted a ballot as boss. Ralph lifted his hand for quiet. OK. Who needs Jack for boss? With troubling acquiescence the ensemble lifted their hands. Who needs me? Each hand outside the ensemble with the exception of Piggys was raised right away. At that point, Piggy as well, lifted his hand hesitantly into the air. Ralph tallied. Im boss then.(LoF p21). At that point, somewhat later, Ralph raises rules: Jack was on his feet. Well have rules! he cried energetically. Loads of rules! At that point when anybody breaks them-(LoF p33). At the point when the trackers slaughter their first pig is the point at which we begin to see indications of a progressively base society, or deficiency in that department. They rehash the serenade, Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Violate her wellbeing. Piggy clearly whenever tired of Jack and his trackers, asking, What right? People? Or then again creatures? Or then again savages? Whats adults going to think?(LoF p.91). And afterward, Ralphs authority is tested by Jack. Jack first ignores the standard of letting the individual with conch talk without interference. At that point he legitimately challenges Ralph, saying, And you shut up! Who are you, in any case? Staying there, guiding individuals. You cannot chase, you cannot sing-(LoF p91). From this encounter is goes downhill on the island. On pg. 114, a game gets somewhat crazy, when Robert claims to be the pig, and the others profess to chase him, yet then they become increasingly genuine and really hurt him. He isn't slaughtered, be that as it m ay. In the end, Jack and a portion of different young men split separated from Ralph and his gathering. Jack and his chasing band murder another pig brutally, delighting in its desolation. The pinnacle of their decrease was the point at which they executed Simon, considering him a mammoth, during the tempest. At that point Piggy is murdered, and the conch is broken, and that is the point at which I believe them to be at without a doubt the most minimal in the public eye: simply savages. 2. In the novel, Sam and Eric are presented right on time as two separate individuals, creatures, that look like one element. Indeed, even while he blew, Ralph saw the last pair of bodies that arrived at the stage over a shuddering patch of dark. The two young men, slug headed, with hair like tow, flung themselves down and lay smiling and gasping at Ralph like mutts. They were twins, and the eye was stunned and skeptical at such lively duplication. They inhaled together, they smiled together, they were stout and fundamental (LoF p19). Sooner or later, the twins are dealt with nearly as one being. A case of this can be discovered when Jack says, Samneric. Get me a coconut. A void one(LoF p63). They become indistinguishable, and any place one is, the other is in every case close by. It appears to be practically outlandish for each to accomplish something autonomously; they do everything together, as one. They were the twins, working at the fire. In principle one ought to have been slee ping and one on watch. Yet, they would never figure out how to do things reasonably if that implied acting autonomously, and since remaining conscious throughout the night was incomprehensible, they had both rested (LoF p96). The twins even completion every others sentences. When talking, an individual must have the conch, and nobody else should talk. Be that as it may, when one of the twins has the conch, both are permitted to talk. He gave the conch to Eric, the closest of the twins. Weve seen the brute with our own eyes. Noâ€we werent asleep†Sam took up the story. By custom now one conch accomplished for the two twins, for their significant solidarity was recognized(LoF p100). The reason for the twins in the novel isn't so handily expressed, however I imagine that in any event some portion of it is to show the nature of self-protection, and how that battles with the will to help other people. At the point when Sam and Eric are compelled to join Jacks clan, they leave Ralp h all alone. Afterward, Ralph appears and they caution him, give him some meat, yet decline to go with him, despite the fact that, as indicated by Ralph, three get an opportunity. They dread for themselves more than for Ralph, and they help him, however less that it would imperil them. The topic of Lord of the Flies is by all accounts an endeavor to follow the imperfections of society back to the deformities of human instinct. In this, it appears that Sam and Eric, each being a regent imitation of the other, show the human instinct that is self-safeguarding, and the fall of society can be ascribed to the thinking about himself over others. Until man can genuinely think about others over himself, society can never really be finished, on the grounds that every individual, regardless, will consistently take a stab at individual endurance and achievement. 3. In Lord of the Flies, Jack is a character fixated on power and a practically creature like want murdering and blood. Roger is depi cted as, a slight, quick kid whom nobody knew, who minded his own business with an internal power of evasion and secrecy(LoF p22).Throughout the novel, the character of Roger isn't portrayed inside and out, and he isn't referenced as often as possible as others. Notwithstanding this, he appears to be such a bad habit pioneer to Jack, particularly later in the book. The announcement, There is no Jack without a Roger implies two things to me. My first idea is that it is exceptionally broad term, utilizing two characters from the novel to delineate its point. That point would be that for each individual like Jack, each force hungry pioneer, there is someone else ready to help them in return for his own, however less, portion of intensity. My second however is that the announcement alludes to Jack as the pioneer, the individual ready to assume responsibility, needing to control, and Roger speaks to the basic man, for absence of a superior term. For the entirety of the Rogers on the plan et, there are just a couple of Jacks, to lead them, to control them. Thus in the event that you remove the Roger, the Jack has nobody to lead, nobody to control. What might Jack do in the event that he had no clan of which to be boss? Its like having a President, yet no nation. Additionally, in the book, Roger is to some degree a characteristic twisted person, and become the official torturer and killer for the clan. So the announcement could likewise mean for each Jack who leads, there must be an individual, a Roger, ready to uphold Jacks choices, a sort of police, or perhaps gestapo. 4. In Lord of the Flies, legislative issues are a fundamental piece of the story. Ralph, a pioneer, is chosen toward the start, and inevitably, Jack separates and structures his own tribeand turns into their pioneer. So you have two groups, essentially contradicting each other, in spite of the fact that not generally. In any case, despite the fact that Jack and his clan structure a gathering, they are increasingly a gathering of revolutionaries. Its entangled, however they contradict Ralph and his little gathering, who speak to the rest of the class. Piggy is the cerebrum in the novel, and when his scenes are broken it denotes the decay of normal impact. With respect to religion, there is no unmistakably characterized religion in the novel. There are, be that as it may, close likenesses. One model is when Jack sticks the pigs head on the stake and places the stake into the ground. He leaves it as a present for the mammoth, strikingly like a crude local creation a contribution to conciliate a divine being. Lift held the head and stuck the delicate throat down on the sharp finish of the stick which punctured through into the mouth. He remained back and the head hung there, a little blood spilling down the stick. . .Jack talked boisterously. This head is for the monster. Its a gift.(LoF p137). Social themes have large amounts of this book. Society is consistently in a contention, a nd in its least complex structure, the contention is among acceptable and abhorrent. Or then again, between the powers of politeness and sanity and the powers of disorder. The equivalent can be said for the contention of this book. Ralph, Piggy, and the remainder of their gathering speak to consideration, and Piggy particularly speaks to sane idea. Jack and his clan are the inverse, speaking to the powers of political agitation. Also, startlingly, at long last the powers of disorder, the ones who yield to their inclinations for endurance and force, appear to prevail with regards to annihilating all levelheaded idea and consideration. The passing of Piggy represents the decrease of normal idea, and toward the end, just Ralph stays as the solitary image of present day, socialized society. 5. This citation is really the Lord of the Flies addressing Simon. Simon remains after Jack puts the pigs head on the stick and him and the others leave. At that point, in a sort of a visualization, the pigs head addresses him, disclosing to him that the Beast isn't something you can chase and slaughter. That it is the brute. It reveals to him that, Fancy reasoning the brute was something you could chase and slaughter! said the head. For a second or two the backwoods and al the other faintly refreshing spots resounded with the satire of giggling. You knew, didnt you? Im part of you? Close, close, close!(LoF p143). The Lord of the Flies is attempting to disclose to Simon that the mammoth isn't some substantial being, however a part of human instinct that lives not in the woodland, yet in every individual. This is the reason Simon cannot get away from it by fleeing. Its in him, and all the others. The Beast is fundamentally the human limit with respect to insidious. Simon attempts to battle against this message, yet it is certain. This is appeared through the passings, the killings, of Simon, and later of Piggy. At the point when the Lord of the Flies stated, You know totally wel l youll just meet me down thereso dont attempt to get away! he implies that since that abhorrent exists in each individual, Simon will experience it once more, either in himself, or in the others. Running would not offer break. 6. One of the most surprising parts of the novel is the manner by which savage these small kids can be, one model is the move wherein Simon is slaughtered. Piggy and Ralph partook in the move, among others, and thereafter they feel horrible, and horrified at themselves and the others. Im not entirely certain in the event that they felt inward strife during t

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Essay Writers Online Can Help You Write a Good Essay

Essay Writers Online Can Help You Write a Good EssayMany students who read an online college course will take note of the essay writers online and immediately think of the focus on essay writing. The essays that these people prepare are typically quite different from what a student would do in person. Students need to realize that the online method of writing involves multiple writing processes. You can use various tools to assist you with all of your essays.A very effective way to write an essay is by using 'How I' questions in order to achieve that desired result. An effective way to do this is by using the 'I' statements to develop your ideas. You can then work backwards from there and explain how your viewpoints as the subject matter developed. The format is something that may be unfamiliar to a lot of people.Take your time to make sure that your essay is well written. If you miss an important point, then you may have to change a sentence or two. Make sure to make a list of every aspect of your essay. This way, you can re-read it and see if any words were missed or if you have addressed any of the concerns that you have.You should also spend some time reviewing your writing for large amounts of grammar and spelling errors. This will ensure that your essay makes sense to anyone who reads it. A reader will always know what they should believe and not believe when they are reading your essay.You should also make it a point to check your grammar and spelling if you are in a hurry to get it back to your editor. You should also be sure to meet deadlines if you are going to receive help from your essay writers online. Make sure that your essay is well written and ready to be submitted when you ask for help.You can also check your work for errors by asking for a professional proofreading service. A proofreader can go over your essay and show you how you can improve your essay. By receiving a professional assessment of your essay, you can see how good you are at wri ting and improving your work on a regular basis.There are many other ways to improve your essay, and you can find out what these methods are through workshops. Taking a workshop will allow you to hear about the techniques and tips that professionals use. A workshop is a great way to get advice that is not available to many other people.Writing a good essay is a skill that you can learn. Make sure that you are able to write a very persuasive essay that has a reasonable chance of being published by any means. You can find essay writers online and through workshops. Make sure that you are able to speak to the needs of your audience and come up with an essay that will make them want to purchase your book or use your services.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Theme of Deception free essay sample

Subject of Deception is an idea that has a conspicuous structure, yet in addition a very inside and out structure. In the play A Streetcar Named Desire the subject of double dealing meshes its way into the fundamental story line in two significant manners; The conspicuous one being Stanley Kowalski’s lying and the basic duplicity that goes on within Blanche DuBois’s mind. Stanley Kowalski is the ideal case of a misleading individual. He attempts to introduce himself as a genuine, cherishing spouse when he is everything except for. In actuality, Stanley is a lying, unfaithful, and harsh spouse to his significant other Stella. Actually, he has Stella at his mercy. To such an extent that she disregards his tanked harshness and causes herself to accept that that is truly what love is. One deciphers Stanley’s unfaithfulness by his eagerness to assault Blanche. In the event that he is so ready to have intercourse with his wife’s own sister, at that point it is effortlessly verified that he has no issue laying down with other ladies when he is away from home a long time at once. We will compose a custom article test on Subject of Deception or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Furthermore, how might one overlook his greatest misleading of all? The way that he did in reality assault Blanche yet misleads Stella about it and causes her sister to appear to be pointlessly insane. In spite of the fact that Stanley’s ways appear to take the front seat in the double dealing division, it is, nonetheless, not the greatest misleading depicted in the play. The most trickery appeared in the play is that going on in Blanche’s own psyche. The most lying that Blanche does isn't with others yet with herself. Blanche experiences a horrendous involvement with a youthful age and to ensure her brain and her heart she shields herself from the unforgiving real factors of the world. Her self-misdirection accompanies her failure to let reality conquer her dreams. At one point Blanche reveals to Mitch that she lies about her life since she â€Å"refuses to acknowledge the hand that destiny has given her. † By that, she implies she doesn't wish to acknowledge the way that the kid she was once infatuated with was gay and at last slaughtered himself in view of her. It caused her to feel blameworthy and unwanted while prompted her fixation on youth and needing to be adored by another man. Deceiving herself and to others permits her to cause life to show up as it ought to be as opposed to all things considered. At the point when Stanley declines to â€Å"have the fleece pulled over his eyes† and trust Blanche’s lies, she isn't sure how to manage confronting the truth of what her life has really become. As most know, double dealing consistently leads in a debacles and grievousness. Stanley’s misleading will at last lead to a miserable marriage and potentially a troubled life, while Blanche’s trickery goes far more profound than that. As her acknowledgment of what she has been doing to herself is called to her consideration it just propels herself more remote into her fantasy world for it is additionally unreasonably agonizing for her to adapt to. Toward the finish of the play Blanche appears to have completely gone into a condition of craziness when she deserts the target world so as to abstain from tolerating reality. She leaves with the specialist appearing to be glad about what her future holds simply because she isn't completely mindful of what will truly happen to her. Blanche’s last, bamboozled joy affirms, somewhat, dream is a significant power at play in each individual’s experience, in spite of reality’s inescapable triumph. The most double dealing that Blanche managed was her own which one can just accept will prompt her passing.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Marketing Essay Essay - 1925 Words

Marketing Essay (Essay Sample) Content: Name:Task:Tutor:Date:Marketing Essay Value based pricing is a pricing strategy based upon the potential value the product or service will bring to its customers; based on the amount they are willing to pay for the product or service. The company determines how much value the prices will bring to customers from factors such as efficiency and stability. It is favorable for sale of goods based on emotions, shortages or indispensable add-ons. Cost based pricing is a pricing strategy based on the cost of producing the given product in the market. The price gets set above the cost of production in order to take consideration of the profits the company wants to accrue. The consumer lacks consideration, but the cost of production is considered. It is favorable for goods sold to highly sophisticated customers. (Hilstrich 2000 page 12).The benefits of value-based pricing are the ability to set prices that are likely to attract buyers because of the market consideration. The m ajor challenge for this approach is the extensive need of advertisement to sell the brand name to customers for them to accept its benefits. The profit margin is also extremely low, and it is not easily accounted for entirely. It can also alienate some customers who purchase based on pricing. (Hilstrich 2000 page 24). Cost based pricing benefits ranges from the high profit margins by goal setting by the company. The greatest drawback is the high pricing that may exceed the consumer threshold, which leads to a struggle in the generation of enough volumes for the market. It also ignores the image of the product to consumers and thus lower profit per sale than would otherwise be realized.The IKEA Company uses the value based pricing strategy in the pricing of its products. This is the best pricing strategy that the company uses to provide the home products to its customers. A nonprofit oriented company provides the goods to the market at somehow consumer friendly prices. The company also enjoys a large market and is being exempted from taxation due to consumer consideration during pricing. During the companys establishment, they used the penetrating pricing strategy by offering lower prices for their products in order to attract the market. This approach made them accrue a larger market around the world. Their production costs were also low because they used the prisoners as their source of labor. With time, they gained momentum in business but continued offering their products at lower prices. They were exempted from taxation due to this undertaking. They did not mostly use the skimming approach though they were a significant competitor in the market. To attract other companies into the market, they used the skimming approach, which later lowers the prices due to increased supply in the market. The companys aim is to provide the household products to the market at lower prices. They are exempted from taxation and the profits accrued are shared to the owner at a constant rate. Economic recession forces it to increase the prices as well as the other competitors increase their prices. The economy approach also gets used because the costs of marketing and product promotion are low. The price notations at different times of the year by using offers are common in the company. The power pricing consideration shows that the company determines its prices in relation to the price elasticity of demand. Therefore, an increase in the prices of its products does not decrease the demand of its products. The increase in prices is so low and thus it has a little effect on the demand.Question 2 on distributionHilstrich, 2000 states that vertical marketing is a form of distribution from the producer to the wholesaler, then to the retailer and to the consumer with the aim of targeting a given industrial niche. This is carried out by related businesses that take part in the provision of a given specialized needs. Horizontal marketing is a form of distrib ution channel whereby many organizations, which are at the same level, join for capitalizing on a new business opportunity. The firms combine resources and production capabilities to maximize their profits. The IKEA Company uses the vertical level of distribution. They have the work areas in distribution that is necessary towards the overall distribution of the products worldwide. These include the warehouse distribution, customer distribution, retail managers, and wholesalers all over the 33 countries. They have a central store in Sweden and which import their products to different countries. The products then get to the regional distributors who then distribute to the wholesalers and the chain expands to the final consumers. The company employs the vertical approach in marketing since delegation is necessary in the chain of distribution.The strengths of this vertical distribution are the central management of the whole distribution process. The management can control all aspects o f the business, anticipate problems, and try to make the necessary changes, which are likely to increase the production and distribution efficiency. The central management also enjoys communication management between the market and the company. This makes them aware of the market trends and the consumer requirements. Though IKEA company produces cheap products, their qualities are necessary in the consumer satisfaction and, therefore, the products are produced under a fair market research. The company also gets a chance to build a strong relationship with the suppliers, distributors and retailers. The company serves a large market and, therefore, the market valuation by these quotas is necessary. This provides the company with the vital information about the market structure and the volume of anticipated production. The company is also able to expand its international market beyond its borders by the use of the proper distribution channels. This ensures the availability of the produ ct to the final consumer, which is likely to improve the brand reputation and thus global product networking. The many channels involved also maximizes the sales of products to the market (Hilstrich 2000 page 242)The main challenge of the vertical marketing is the increased prices of goods. The channels involved in the distribution are numerous and thus bureaucratic increase in prices since all the levels wants to increase their profits. This leads to increase in the cost of production a thus increased pricing. However, the company can cut costs by reducing the channels of distribution involved in the production. This will reduce these bureaucracies and thus reduces costs of distribution of the product to the market.Another challenge facing the company is the coordination of the channels. The central management becomes ceremonial in the decision making of these channels and thus delegation of duties. The company lacks the possibility of flexibility in distribution since it is a lar ge firm. The size of the firm also deters the customers from making significant concerns about the products directly to IKEA Company. This is likely to derail the company of the vital information necessary for the production.Question 3 on promotionThe IKEA Company uses various elements of the promotion mix. The company uses personal selling to its customers using sales persons in the 33 countries. They use catalogues, manuals and other techniques to make the customers buy their products. This advertising occurs at the worldwide stores to convince customers to buy the products. The company also carries out advertising in the social media and their websites. Their catalogue can be accessed online, and this provides information to customers. Sales promotions such as sweepstakes are done, and this provides the consumers the opportunity to win various prizes. This later promotes the household products the IKEA Company produces. The company provided furniture to over 100 bridge schools an d other charitable organizations. Hilstrich 2000 states that the company uses direct mails to its customers on their purchases and the potential customers. This enables the potential buyers to make direct orders on the products by filling the brochures online. The marketers also explain the benefits of products to consumers. They also undertake exhibitions in their stores, which allow consumers to view their products before buying. The consumer gets a variety to choose from in their pursuit for the best product of their choice. Leveraged sales strengthen the sales strategy by refining the sales skills and aligning the corporate goal of increasing sales. It also allows for effective technology management, and effective time spending in marketing.The company uses different ways in displaying the brand identity, personality and vision. The target market is the low earners who may not have the funds to buy expensive products provided by other companies. The restaurants and the food mar kets the company engages in include traditional foods, which appeal to consumers. The consumers identify with them and say that the items are just exclusive. The furniture are high class and are manufactured from the Scandinavian wood trees and imported. They satisfy the consumer requirement and thus this provides the market management. The products have low prices and appeal to them. The extensive advertisement provides information to the target market and thus giving them a vision. The target market is considered by providing cheap products without caring about the cost.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Controversy Over Gun Control - 852 Words

In the past few years Gun control has become a hot topic throughout America. With all the shootings going around the United States, we are faced with controversies over gun control. Americans believe that their government is going to do whatever is best for them, but is that true when they are trying to strip us of our rights that were created for us over 300 years ago. Our country has been thriving with the amendments and laws set before us, and today we are trying to change them. But by just changing a few laws is that really going to stop a criminal from getting what they wanted, there criminals for a reason. Our second amendment gives us the right to bear arms and protect our selves from enemies foreign and domestic. This is the foundation of country; we fight to keep the right that were given to us, so that we can protect our families, our country, and our freedom. America has always prided it self on being â€Å"the land of the free†, but with freedom comes sacrifices. However, most Americans do not see the significance of freedom, because we are sitting on our couches living normal lives, and on the other hand we have those individuals that joined the armed forces to keep us a safe and protect our freedom. Lawrence Hunter stated that â€Å"The Founders understood that the right to own and bear laws is as fundamental and as essential to maintaining liberty†¦Ã¢â‚¬  With liberty comes freedom and the right to bear arms, how would the solders feel if they came home and their rights wereShow MoreRelatedControversy Over Gun Control Laws1177 Words   |  5 PagesThe term ‘gun control’ is used to show the regulation of selling, owning and use of guns. This means there is going to be a lot of controversy regarding this, making it a very touchy topic for a lot of people in the world right now. Gun control laws vary greatly, for example in places like the United Kingdom, where the gun laws are so strict that even police officers aren’t allowed to use them. Only special task forces within the police departments are. Compared to places like the United States,Read MoreEssay on How Big is Your Gun1158 Words   |  5 Pagessecurity of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.† The controversy soon started on who, what, and how the founding fathers bestowed these rights. Who should be allowed to carry arms? What type of arms should be allowed to bear? How can the people obtain these arms? All of these questions have been debated, discussed, and argued by both sides of the controversy. Who should be allowed to keep and bear arms? Federal law states that one must be eighteen yearsRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control Essay868 Words   |  4 Pages Gun Control Gun Control. Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2016. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 30 Apr. 2016. In this website, it discusses the debatable topic of gun control. In the article titled Gun Control, it states that the â€Å"The United States is the leader in per-capita gun deaths among industrial nations.† The main point of this article was to get the point across about the controversy that this has brought into the United States, not only does it quote influentialRead MoreControversial Gun Control Laws882 Words   |  4 PagesGun control is one of the oldest laws dating back to the early 1800’s. It was approved in the southern part of the United States. During this period, the Georgia administration banned handguns, but the Supreme Court cancelled the law after some time due to the second amendment. The second amendment of the United States which says â€Å"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.† has secured certain gunRead MoreGun Control1676 Words   |  7 PagesDecember 7, 2012 Gun Control Obviously, guns have been a very big part of our history but because it was use inappropriately gun control was created. Guns are weapons that can take a life in an instant (â€Å"Does Gun Control†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). Guns have been part of American society since the arrival of the first European settlers (â€Å"Topic Overview†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). Arms in this country are part of our history, part of our culture. It has been passed down, generations to generations, as just an important part of who we are (â€Å"TopicRead MoreGun Control Vs. Gun Rights1099 Words   |  5 PagesReflection Paper One: Gun Control Vs. Gun Rights Whether you gather your information from the newspaper, radio, or a website, you have certainly been exposed to one of the most controversial, current debates. It seems that the media refuses to stop talking about this topic. In fact, as soon as the press over one event disappears another event seems to revive the debate. Some citizens say that we need more restrictive gun laws. Meanwhile, other Americans say that more guns are what is necessary.Read MorePolitics and Gun Control Essay961 Words   |  4 Pageswell-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. -U. S. Constitution, Amendment II Over 200 years ago, when the Founding Fathers drafted the Second Amendment, no one ever questioned the need for private gun ownership. The founders at that time had considered that private firearms were efficient to protecting personal liberty, both as a means of opposing foreign threats and also as a check againstRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Gun Control828 Words   |  4 Pages The high rates of gun violence and accidents in the United States have long aroused public concern, in view of the strong correlation between gun prevalence, many people believe that the United States must adopt stricter gun control measures to reduce the huge number of firearms across the nation. These people are known as gun control proponents, or advocates. However, many other people do not think so. In their eyes, the serious firearm problems do not result from gun prevalence, and many peopleRead MoreGun Control Essay928 Words   |  4 PagesGun Control In many recent events, the controversy over gun control has risen to its peak. Heated debates from people of all cultures have argued about this topic. Most European countries though have come to the conclusion that some form of gun control is necessary, such as restricting the purchase of certain types of firearms. But in America, many argue that the Second Amendment protects our right to own guns or that we need guns for our own protection. On the other hand, others argue that gunsRead Moregun control research essay1222 Words   |  5 Pagesthat studied gun control. â€Å"Stricter state gun laws associated with fewer gun deaths, study finds.† The article discussed gun control laws in states with stricter laws tend to have lower rates of gun related homicides, and a suicide (ProCon para. 1) Gun control in the United States is becoming a wide spread issue and is becoming a problem everywhere. Although I am living in a city with uprising crime that has been skyrocketing over the years, I wasn’t aware of this being an issue all over the United

Business Capstone Project Synergy Electricity Generator

Question: Discuss about the Business Capstone Project Synergy Electricity Generator. Answer: Risks of Synergy From the video, it clear that the organizations biggest issue at the moment is loss of profitability since 2010. As mentioned by the chief executive officer of the organization, the 2015-16 financial years were a tough one for the organization. He also mentioned that the challenges faced by the organization were mainly because of the changing energy usage patterns by the consumers of West Australia. He also mentioned some other reasons such as difficult economic condition and oversupplied market that are creating problems from the organization. Whatever, the reason is, it is true that slowly but steadily the organization is losing their grip on its market share. From the annual report of the organization it can be seen that the organization is facing challenges that have impacted its bottom line performance with an overall reduction in net profit after tax of $60 million which was nearly 125 million in the last year. This took because of the reduction in revenue of nearly $650 millio n in the year of 2014[1]. In the annual report of the organization it also mentioned that the main reasons behind this low profitability are inclusion of carbon revenue and decline in average electricity prices along with a decline in electricity demand among the consumers. From the video, the thin becomes clearer as in the video it is again stated that the organization has lost 4% profitability in the last year[2]. However, along with the loss in profitability the major risk for the organization is the decrease in demand. It was expected that after 2010, due to excessive use of technologies, the organization will gain more profitability[3]. However, the organization is currently experiencing anything but that. The explanation behind this change is that the consumers and the technological tools have become smarter than expected. Another reason that was explained was the increasing use of solar photovoltaic cells (PV cells) among the consumers[4]. It is stated that nearly 17% which i s 170,000 consumers of Synergy have developed their own power station based on solar energy. Therefore, those consumers are now not buying electricity from the organization or any other organization. Number or such consumers are increasing rapidly. Therefore, the chances are high that in next few years more number of consumers will develop such power stations within their residents and will stop buying electricity from Synergy. This is another major risk for the organization as it will drastically hurt the profitability of the organization in the future. In this situation, it is the high time for the management of the organization to take some steps to deal with the issues. Otherwise, in the near future, it will be impossible for Synergy to cope up with the consumer trend in the power supply industry of Australia[5]. Causes of risks faced by Synergy From the video, it is clear that there are some major reasons behind the fact that consumption of electricity in Australia is reducing day by day. According to the Chief Financial Officer of Synergy main three reasons behind the low consumption of electricity among the consumers are increasing use of smart appliances and use of solar PV cells. Uses of solar energy in Australia: It can be seen that the solar energy system in Australia are popularly used homes and business organizations. Mostly, concentrated solar power energy systems are used to heat water for regular use along with to heat indoor water tanks and swimming pools[6]. Normally, these activities consume a lot of electricity. Using solar power energy is automatically reducing a huge amount of electricity use. On the other hand, in Australia, large scale projects of concentrated solar plants are seen which are responsible for providing electricity to several business organization and homes at a comparatively cheaper price. Besides, the Australian people are also embracing the use of passive solar energy systems at the time of designing and developing new homes. These types of homes are developed with special designs where roofing, windows and the entire architecture is aligned in way that it will face the Sun at unique orientation[7]. In the past, people used sol ar panels as either primary or secondary source of electric power. However, in recent time the price of electricity has increased and as a result, most of the consumers have applied solar panels as their primary and only source of power. From the video, it can be found that nearly 170,000 consumers have developed solar panels in their roofs. The number is also growing rapidly as more consumers are shifting to solar panels from conventional electricity. There are some major reasons behind these issues faced by the leading electricity producing organization of Australia. Those reasons will be mentioned in the next section of the report. Energy efficiency First compulsory regulatory energy efficiency measures of Australia were announced in the year of 1990. These rules and regulations were compulsory for Mandatory Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for any type of refrigerator and freezers. From then, these standards are extended to a very wide range of residential and commercial appliances and equipments. To the new buildings and infrastructures that were built in Australia, analogous energy efficiency requirements were applied mandatorily. According to (), data was collected to measure the impact of such rules and regulations on the electricity consumption by the people of Australia. It was found that between 2006 and 2013, these mandatory rules and regulations reduced annual demand for electricity by 10.5 TWh or almost 30% of the total TWh reduction. In addition, the home appliances manufacturing companies including companies that manufacture air conditions, freezers and refrigerators started to manufacture products that are more energy efficient than ever[8]. It means those products consume lesser amount of electricity in order to provide expected services. That was another reason that the energy consumption was reduced. Another major reason was increased price of electricity. 2009-2010 was the time when the effect of carbon price on electricity prices became a major national and political issue. During the same year, it was seen that prices of electricity was rapidly increasing because of higher network prices. This became the political issue in Australia and also became a major preoccupation of political debate. As a result of the political attention that was given to the electricity prices, the consumers also started to pay more attention than they had previously done to their expenditure on electricity. Once the consumers started to realize that the price of electricity has increased has increased rapidly, they started to limit their consumption. The outcome showed up strongly in the overall electricity demand figures from 2011. This data or information absolutely matches with the statement of Chief Financial Officer of Synergy[9]. In the video, he continuously stated that the situation related t o electricity consumption drastically changed from the year of 2010. He also stated that due to high price of electricity the organization expected higher profitability. However, the equation and the expectation entirely went wrong as consumers started to look for alternative solutions and started to limit their electricity consumption. The organization never anticipated such behavior of the consumers which led the company to a loss[10]. Recommended solutions In order to deal with the problems, the Synergy and its management will have to take some steps[11]. In the current scenario, there are recommendations are provided below from which the organization can select the best solution to improve their current situation in the market. Strategies to improve sales revenue Once the organization will be able to identify and evaluate main profit drivers in the current scenario, they will be able to establish strategies to grow them further without even increasing the overall cost. If the organization is looking to make the business more profitable, then it will have to find out ways to increase sales revenue as well as decreasing cost[12]. In order to decrease the organizational cost the management of the organization will have to increase productivity of the employees. In order to that, it is necessary to recognize and reward employee contributions with employee performance reviews. Employees can also be trained so that their sales skills can be improved. They must be taught to upsell products so consumers can make multiple purchases at one time. Besides, for the organization it is also important to conduct surveys with the consumers to develop new products. For example, if the demand of solar panels is high among the consumers of Australia, then Synergy can develop a separate and new unit to develop and enhance solar panels. On the other hand, it is seen that the organization is mostly conducting business on Western side of Australia. If the demand for electricity is decreasing in that region, the management of the organization will have to find new consumers[13]. Market researchers can be conducted to make sure if t he organization can expand their business in new areas. Besides, as it is already stated that due to increased price of electricity, the consumers are adapting alternative measures, the organization can identify strategies to reduce the price of electricity to attract the consumers once again[14]. As an immediate step, the management of the organization can deliver price discounts and can conduct promotions to increase the base of consumers. Strategies to decrease cost In order to provide lower electricity price, it is necessary to crease the overall organizational cost of the organization. The organization can start with decreasing stock control which is a good way to streamline the business. On the other hand, the organization can also ensure that it has the right suppliers for the business[15]. Negotiation is always a productive policy for better prices or discounts for buying in bulk. 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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

How to Choose the Best Article Writing Service For Your Small Business

How to Choose the Best Article Writing Service For Your Small BusinessIf you have a small business and you need to start an online presence, you might be wondering how to choose the best article writing service for your company. The first thing that you should consider is your budget for their services.If you are not that serious about online marketing, you can choose to hire a freelance writer to do all of your own articles. When choosing a freelance writer, ask for references of clients who have used his or her services in the past. You can also use social networking websites such as Twitter and Facebook to find a writer who has a good reputation.A service provider, on the other hand, is a professional who writes articles for a fee. They charge for their services depending on the kind of articles they will be writing. For example, if you are looking for an article for your website and you will only require it for one website, then you can write one article.However, if you want to w rite more than one article for your website, then you will have to look for a service provider. The advantage of hiring a service provider instead of a freelance writer is that they will always have fresh content coming in and you will not be running out of new material to write. When you have a service provider, you will have a continuous stream of material that will keep you busy for a long time.In addition, a service provider will be able to write articles that are related to your niche. If you are writing about home appliances and your articles are similar to those that are written by a freelancer, then the service provider will be able to come up with articles that are similar to those of the clients.It takes time to find a writing service provider that can be trusted. You should be able to see proof of his or her experience and that they are consistent with the work they have done before. You can also check the Internet for writers who can be hired for a reasonable price. Chec k out blogs that are related to your field and see if there are any written by the writers you are interested in. You can try contacting the writers and ask them for an interview.If you have never hired a writer, then you should hire a service provider because the service provider can do much more than writing articles. Therefore, you should consider using a service provider if you want to increase your traffic and find more prospects for your business.