Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Controversy Over Gun Control - 852 Words

In the past few years Gun control has become a hot topic throughout America. With all the shootings going around the United States, we are faced with controversies over gun control. Americans believe that their government is going to do whatever is best for them, but is that true when they are trying to strip us of our rights that were created for us over 300 years ago. Our country has been thriving with the amendments and laws set before us, and today we are trying to change them. But by just changing a few laws is that really going to stop a criminal from getting what they wanted, there criminals for a reason. Our second amendment gives us the right to bear arms and protect our selves from enemies foreign and domestic. This is the foundation of country; we fight to keep the right that were given to us, so that we can protect our families, our country, and our freedom. America has always prided it self on being â€Å"the land of the free†, but with freedom comes sacrifices. However, most Americans do not see the significance of freedom, because we are sitting on our couches living normal lives, and on the other hand we have those individuals that joined the armed forces to keep us a safe and protect our freedom. Lawrence Hunter stated that â€Å"The Founders understood that the right to own and bear laws is as fundamental and as essential to maintaining liberty†¦Ã¢â‚¬  With liberty comes freedom and the right to bear arms, how would the solders feel if they came home and their rights wereShow MoreRelatedControversy Over Gun Control Laws1177 Words   |  5 PagesThe term ‘gun control’ is used to show the regulation of selling, owning and use of guns. This means there is going to be a lot of controversy regarding this, making it a very touchy topic for a lot of people in the world right now. Gun control laws vary greatly, for example in places like the United Kingdom, where the gun laws are so strict that even police officers aren’t allowed to use them. 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